" Moon of blood " is a term of the folklore with more than one meaning, sometimes one refers to the full moon that takes place in October and sometimes one refers to a total eclipse of Moon, in which the moon turns of dark red color creating an unusual shade on the Earth.
Some information on this first " Moon of Blood " that will take place on Tuesday, the 15th of April, 2014 is that it will not be visible from the Middle East, but it will have his major visibility on the United States, Canada, and some zones of South America. The center of the zone of visibility will be approximately to the same Yellowstone's length. On Yellowstone the eclipse will be the biggest, approximately to her 01:47 am. Besides the fact that the eclipse will have a duration of 77 minutes and 48 seconds.
We are not going to enter in numerología, but some experts have suggested that the last events happened in Yellowstone as the unusual quakes or the stampedes of animals might have a certain relation.
The tétradas of the " Lunas of Blood.
But the reality is that it is not for the color of the moon that many persons believe that it is a sign of the Apocalypse. One of the reasons is that in the past, during the periods of the tétrada that they happened in the bank holidays, there took place prophetic events that affected directly Israel. This way, that if we apply the logic, the question is if in the past certain events happened during these periods, will they return to happen in this period of tétrada?
The tétrada of lunar eclipses in the bank holidays, only has happened two times in the last 500 years: 1949-1950 and 1967/68. During each one of these tétradas of total eclipses Israel was in war. But before these tétradas of eclipses in bank holidays also other one took place in 1493/4. In 1492, were Jews expelled?? Of Spain. Another interesting information is that all these tétradas took place in years with 13 months (according to the Hebrew calendar). These facts have led many people to wondering if the near tétrada is a divine sign on something important that will take place in 2014/15 regarding Israel.
Then according to the information, will Israel take part in another important war? Might it be a question even of the war of the end of the times?
" And when you will see Jerusalem surrounded of armies, know then that his destruction has come. Then those who are in Judea, flee to the mounts, and those who are in the middle of the city, move away; and those who are in the fields, do not enter her. " - (Lucas 21:20-21)-
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